XPRESS Service

  • Established conditions
  • 150+ disease-relevant targets
  • Average 2 months turn-around

Your target protein or a domain of interest might already be in our XPRESS portfolio. This service provides fast insight into the binding mode of your proprietary compound. To achieve this, CRELUX has optimized expression, purification and crystallization conditions for well behaved XPRESS targets.
XPERT Service

Is your target protein of interest not present in our XPRESS list eventhough there are several published structures available?

Our XPEDITE service aims to provide you with rapid access to crystal structures of previously crystallized constructs with your ligands of interest. As part of this service, we can also produce alternative constructs containing disease-related mutations or further optimize established crystal systems in order to determine structures at higher resolution.
  • Established and/or published conditions
  • Few hundred disease-relevant targets
  • Average 4 months turn-around
XPERT Service

Under XPERT services we offer customized structural biology solutions for your challenging targets, using either crystallography, Cryo-EM or NMR.

Our team of experts will work closely with you to prepare a sound scientific plan with clear milestones to address your needs and lead you to successful de novo structure determination. This blueprint is then translated into a flexible and success-based payment plan, which is accompanied by personalized project management.

  • Established conditions
  • 150+ disease-relevant targets
  • Average 2 months turn-around
Comparison of methods
X-ray crystallography
  • Broad range of molecular weights
  • Soluble proteins, membrane proteins as well as macromolecular complexes (e.g. DNA/RNA and protein complexes)
  • High resolution (< 3Å)

  • The protein of interest must be crystallized and crystals must diffract to the required resolution
  • The 3D structure represents a static form of the target protein
  • Allows the structure determination of samples that are unamenable to crystallization (e.g. proteins with flexible regions, membrane proteins and large complexes)
  • Vitrification of the sample maintains it in a closer-to-native state than crystallization
  • Very low material consumption (about 0.1 mg)
  • No need for extensive protein engineering to improve the likelihood of crystallization

  • Relatively low resolution (mostly > 3Å) compared to X-ray crystallography
  • Applicable to target proteins and complexes with high molecular weights
  • 3D structure of target protein can be measured directly in its natural state in solution
  • It can provide unique information about dynamics and intermolecular interactions

  • The NMR spectrum of biomolecules with large molecular weight (> 40 kDa) is complicated and difficult to interpret
  • It is necessary to have large amounts of labelled protein (and it might be necessary to have differently labelled protein, if the spectra needs to be assigned)
Ready to start your project at WuXi Biology?
WuXi Biology
A comprehensive spectrum of biology services and solutions, supporting stand-alone and integrated projects, from target discovery to hit finding, lead optimization, candidate selection, and beyond.
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