chemical space
Compatible with
computational tools
WuXi AppTec DELopen Kit
Only for Academic User
Provided by WuXi AppTec HitS
The Kit includes
  • Library number: 27
  • Diversity of compounds: 4.2 Billion
  • Experimental conditions: 4
Services with NO extra fee
  • Sample processing at WuXi AppTec DEL platform
  • NGS & Data deconvolution
  • Data summary report
Why is DELopen ?
DELopen provides free access to DNA-encoded libraries (DEL) for academic users and encourages an open, community-based approach to data sharing.

  • DELopen users are able to conduct affinity selection experiments in their own labs, and WuXi AppTec HitS is responsible for post-selection processing, sequencing and data analysis.
  • If proismising hits are identified and validated, users can choose to disclose their target in exchange for the chemical structures.
What is DELopen ?
What is inside ?
  • DEL Libraries 10ul*4
  • 4.2B compounds
  • 27 libraries
  • Buffer components
  • Imidazole
  • QC package
  • Returning tubes and stickers
Technical support

User manual with step-by-step instructions

Tutorial videos on affinity selection

Teaching lab in Boston, US and Suzhou, China

Service included
  • Sample quantitation by qPCR
  • PCR amplification
Sequencing |
  • Next generation sequencing (NGS)
Data analysis &
online platform
  • Decoding
  • Filter setting
  • Online data visualization platform
Lab Equipments
  • Gel electrophoresis & imaging system
  • Microcentrifuges
  • Rotators
  • Heaters
Flyer Download
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WuXi Biology
A comprehensive spectrum of biology services and solutions, supporting stand-alone and integrated projects, from target discovery to hit finding, lead optimization, candidate selection, and beyond.
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US: +1 415 755 3735
China: 400-820-0985
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